The Hungry Grass launch 11/4/23, Old School Centre, Hollyfort

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Crow Duo and Gorey Writers

On 27 September 2018, CrOw Duo,  improvisation musicians, played with Gorey Writers in Gorey Library.
An amazing evening where music and spoken word combined in a dynamic performance.

Delighted to be part of this innovative project.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Coming Ashore - a new collection of poetry

My latest collection of poetry, Coming Ashore, was launched on 14/6/18 at the Old School, Hollyfort, Gorey.

Music and poems rang out in the old school, and the evening was a great success thanks to Hollyfort's Tidy Towns, friends and family.

The book is available from Boland Press at €10 (plus P&P €2.50)