The Hungry Grass launch 11/4/23, Old School Centre, Hollyfort

Monday, September 12, 2016

IPTN Annual Conference: Creative Arts and the Inner Self

Creative Arts and the Inner Self

Finding your inner self through the creative arts of poetry and film

        Day workshop of self-discovery           
finding your inner self through poetry & film
Sunday 9 October 2016
Tinakilly House Hotel
Rathnew, Co. Wicklow

70/60 iptn members
To reserve your place, email


Building Bridges            
Carol Boland PTP :This workshop will explore personal meaning through metaphors and symbols to encourage positive growth and change.

Self-Reflection : Film and the Arts
Dr Noreen Giffney, will consider how visual culture texts offer each of us an opportunity to be with our own thoughts and feelings while watching a film or visiting an exhibition. Excerpts from selected films will be screened, followed by group     discussion.   

Theresa Kelly PTP
Exploring who ’I AM’
             I’m nobody! Who are you?
             Are you nobody too?
                                   Emily Dickinson
Working with varied materials and poems, we will explore the different roles we take on in life.

 Dr. Shelley Tracey
Opening the Doors to Happiness
         I throw open the doors and windows of my heart and allow the sun and the wind and the rain to come in.   Osho
In this session we will share ideas about happiness, exploring         images, quotations and poems on the theme. Each participant will create their own ‘recipe for happiness’.